Friday, August 7, 2015


Today marks the end of the journey for "us". 

Unfortunately, Matt's injuries require too much care that Uganda cannot accommodate, and as of today his 45 days of Medivac have expired making him a RPCV as he has been medically separated from the Peace Corps.

What does this mean? This is something we have been trying to figure out over the past month and a half. What does this mean for us, for him, for me? This has been an ongoing discussion. Back and forth as we have tried to figure out what we should do, or rather what I should do. It's hard to grasp the idea of a dream being ripped away. 

For Matt he has 2 options. #1 Wait until he heals and reinstate; he has up to 1 year from being medically separated. The downside, by the time he can reinstate our service would be ending.
#2 Realize that his service is finished and start a new journey. Easier said than done when you have been ripped away from a life you have come to love in the matter of seconds.

For Ashley, there are several options. #1 Take an interrupted service and go home to care for your spouse. An option many do not even questioned as they could not imagine sending their loved one home alone and broken. 
#2 Finish out the year and head home. This would allow time to finish up some ongoing projects and say the proper goodbyes.
#3 Stay and finish up the entire Peace Corps service and COS in May.

Decisions, decisions...